Friday, October 2, 2009

rude driver!!

Well, went for driving lesson in the early morning, 8am!
As usual, dead my engine at the same part which i always did when coming out from my house to the main road.
Don't laugh kay HAHAHA.

Then i was driving like normal, so there was a traffic light and for my way was green in light and the next lane was red which there were going to make a U-turn there.
So there was a white car but forgot what model was that, the driver was a malay guy with his white songkok cut into my lane suddenly without any signal.
And he horned me, it wasn't my fault!!

It's okay, so i continued my way and there was another traffic light with slope and he was just right in front me. Nice one.
I waited patiently and the light turned red to green.
The first and second car moved and the stupid guy was the third and I was the fourth one.

Guess what??
He stopped that for few second and purposely blocked my way.
He moved when my instructor horned him.
how rude!!

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