Sunday, April 19, 2009


Okay, i dk what can i blog about but yesterday i heard from the radio which had an interview with some famous blogger according to the DJ. they are discussing about blogging. and the main title is saying about the some blogger using some cruel way to increase their reader.
example 1
some people upload their naked photo to increase the viewer to view their blog so their viewer increase.
example 2
there is a girl which meet with an accident, of course her blog's reader is quite a lot, BUT there are some blogger who wants to increase their reader, they scolded that girl and left their link their which makes the people who saw view their blog back. and so thier viewer increases. how cruel is them. 

Futhermore, they adviced to those blogger which i want to share is never post anything about your privacy things such as your house address, phone number, car's plate or whatever if your blog is public. there are some reader is not your friend and might be some criminal.

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